The figures themselves appear to be made out of cast iron, and have a very weighty look, but upon reading about them further I discovered that in fact they are cast resin, and then presumably faux finished with various materials to resemble rusted iron, which in fact you can see Fischl doing if you follow the "Samaritan" link. The use of material finish lends them an air of permanence and weightiness physically and figuratively that I do not believe resin would have afforded.
Theses Went to a very cool sculpture exhibition at the suggestion of my art teacher, you can check it to here, famous American sculpture artist Eric Fischl...said with great reverence BTW...
I found the work to be raw and powerful.
It was exhibited at a somewhat obscure (well to me anyway... half tourist and half-walking-newcomer-that-I-usually-am) exhibition hall, but in the end, well turns out that his was my VERY LUCKY DAY.
I am sort of fishing around for some more art contacts, I would love to also do some life drawing, you know naked model who needs money poses for a group of wannabe but seriously a great way to improve your perception of anatomy, and proportion etc...we did several semesters of it in college (but were all so young and shy we had a hard time not giggling and googling ...goons...)
Any way at the gallery when I inquired about a newsletter in which I might post an ad the receptionist suggested I speak with the curator who might help me. Well if this kind, and of course, utterly elegant woman was not singly one of the sweetest and most helpful souls I have EVER had the good fortune of meeting well just knock me over with a paint canvas...
She not only went through some of the printed material in the reception area with me, but suggested several different avenues I might pursue, and proceeded to take down all my info and insist that yes of course we MUST stay in touch...and then 20 minutes into my visit of the gallery well up on the 2nd floor she huffing and puffingly proceeded to track me down rushing in with even more information that might be of use to me... well just bowl me right very very kind...and at the very end of it all she had found an artist taking students to help them develop their portfolios...
*Gee Toto we don't seem to be in Kansas anymore...*
In any case the exhibit was very cool...what do you think?
I love these sculptures. Will they still be there in May when I get there?
Great gallery support and I find the work terrically evocative of something - maybe dignity and vulnerability... Are they life-size?
Thanks for the update. I really would love to sit with these in person.
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